When: 2006
Who: Self
Where now: Office
Number: 136

This magnet brought home all the way from Seattle is really special. I'm not sure what it is called but the picture changes as you move it; from panoramic daytime view to romantic view of the night.
Awesome, right? Yeah, it's the same space needle featured in Men In Black, that hilarious movie that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Let me tell you something: The Space Needle is a tower in Seattle, Washington (Not to be mistaken with Wasington DC, y'all) . It is a major landmark and the symbol of Seattle. It was built for the 1962 World's Fair, during which time nearly 20,000 people a day used the elevators, with over 2.3 million visitors in all for the World Fair. The Space Needle is 184 m high and 42 m wide at its widest point. It is built to withstand winds of up to 320 km/h Whoaaaa!!) and earthquakes up to 9.5 magnitude. It also has 25 lightning rods!
This one shows the skyline of HL city centre and you can see the prominent landmarks: including the very prominent Bank of China Tower (right behind the alphabet "K") above. See smaller pic here.
We went to Hong Kong in March 2001, Tasha was only 6 months old. It was Hari Raya Haji. But Izwan was sent to work, and I grabbed the opportunity to tag along. We stayed at the posh Conrad International.
Where from: Hong Kong
Where now: Home
When: 2006
Who: Izwan
No 119