Sunday, June 12, 2011
Moving Away
Sunday, February 20, 2011
516: Chatsworth in Detail
Where: Derbyshire, England
When: 2010
Who: Doodlemom
Wow Factor: 516
515: San Francisco in 2D

Another fridge magnet depicting the famous San Francisco trams. This one is wooden (er... plywood, rather) and is a 2D fridge magnet. Thank goodness Izwan cleverly bought me all sorts of fridge magnet when he went there. God knows when he will go there again for work! I miss Ghirardelli still :(
514: Shanghai Blues
513: Penang
512: King Kong in New York
511: Keeping Cool in SF

Thursday, February 17, 2011
510 : The Big Five

Where: South Africa
Who: Hana Shakira
When: 2011 Feb
Revisit: The Irish
Number One
I bought this on the way to Grand Canyon, Arizona.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
508: The Hills Are Alive
And here are pics from the movie:
When: 2009
Who: Wong Su Luan
Where: Austria
Wow Factor: 508
507: Matador In Red
Alas, it is not - but I am glad to have this one all the same.
Who: Izwan Ismail
Where: Spain (asal usulnya) but bought in KL
Wow Factor: 507 Red Tab *chewah*
Or you can say 507 Capote de Brega.
When: 2008
Monday, February 14, 2011
FM: Whereat Lies The King
Wow Factor: 506
Where from: New Orleans
Who: Daniel Mark Alcantara
When: 2009
FM: Up The Hill We Go
FM: New York and The Skyscrapers
FM: Paris in Black & White
Wow Factor: 504
Where from: Paris, France
Who: Imran Hamid
When: 2009
Sunday, February 13, 2011
FM: Shielded and Protected
Wow Factor: 503
Where from: Kuching Sarawak
Who: Me
When: 2009
This is one of tye fridge magnets I bought during the memorable working trip to Kuching Sarawak with Sharifah Noraini Noreen, Ar. Yusof, Shaza and HYT. It was good that we got the opportunity to go shopping at the row of shops opposite the river. The stay at Kuching Hilton was especially good, too!
Friday, February 11, 2011
FM: City of Lights

Thursday, February 03, 2011
Wow Factor: 500 !!
Lucky Chips
Monday, January 31, 2011
Johnson Space Centre


Where Angels Thread