At the Star Ferry Pier in Hong Kong, ferries depart the pier, located at Tsim Sha Shui, to Hong Kong Island's Central or Wanchai. Izwan and I have been in several of these ferries, as it was (still is, I think) one of the most convenient, cheapest and classic ways of enjoying Victoria Harbour.
Unfortunately, back then, in 2001 (we were there during Hari Raya Aidil Adha and Natasha was merely 6 months old - tak pe, bawak jugak!!) I wasn't much of a magnet collector. So, to make up for lost time (or lost opportunities, rather), Izwan bought this one for me during his trip to Hong Kong in 2008.

It is a mini ferry - with a magnet attached to it.
Isn't it cool!? The miniature is quite detailed, complete with tiny ropes.

Where from: Hong Kong
When: 2008
Who: Izwan
Wow Factor: #237
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