Thursday, December 27, 2007
Fishes In The Sea

Pompuan Siam

Thai Girls

African Zebra
One from the first batch of magnets that I have. Honestly, this wasn't a magnet before. Obvious from it's condition, it was given to me as a souvenir - and in the form of a key chain. I was so obsessed with fridge magnets (I still am) that I converted the key chain and taa-daaa I have another fridge magnet.
This one was given to me by Thuraya; from her trip to South Africa during my chambering days. That means it is from way back in 1997. Ten years old! It's leather, and it still looks very good.
Where from: South Africa
Who: Sharifah Thuraya Albar
When: 1997
Where now: Office. Hey, is this the first magnet from the office? Oh wow. There you go. Now you know whay I have this "where now" thingy. Just to show that some of them magnets are at the office; some hidden underneath all sorts of messages, drawings, cards and letters that Natasha made.
By the way, just ask her, and she'd tell you that one of mommy's favourite animal is a zebra.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Cheers, Darling
Lucky me, some friends who travel overseas choose fridge magnets as souvenir. Firah bought me this magnet during her first trip to London. She had tons of trips after that, that at one point I was teasing her about her 'balik kampung' trip!

By the Colorado River
We bought this simple magnet of Laughlin at the mall opposite of the hotel we were staying. Here's a pic of Izwan and the kids that one night we spent there. It was windy and rather cold but it was very refreshing and relaxing. We walked by the Colorado River and hopped from one casino to another; just for fun!

The kids had a good time; obviously, and enjoyed the lights ~ Laughlin is also a casino city. That night, they were yet to see the even brighter lights of Las Vegas. So it was good that we went to Laughlin first, then to Las Vegas.
Where from: Laughlin, Nevada, USA
Who: Self
When: 2006
Where now: Home
Autumn In My Heart

and #33

When: 2004
Where now: Home
Winter Sonata
Teething Problems
Thing is, I don't like the appearance of the blog. I have been changing the appearance week by week. I'm trying on a new template today.
I hope this one is okay. I wanted to choose pink, coz I know I can get automatic approval from Tasha but bit too much into Tasha's age group, ait?
Orang Utan

Where from: Perak, Malaysia
Who: Anita Anuar
When: 2007
Where now: Home
Tuk Tuk
The tuk-tuk is the Siamese version of a vehicle known elsewhere as an auto rickshaw or cabin cycle. It is a widely used form of urban transport in Bangkok and other Thai cities. It is particularly popular as traffic congestion is a major problem in Bangkok.

Where from: Bangkok, Thailand
Who: Izwan
When: 2005
Where now: Home
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Neverending Disney
Another wonderful magnet I bought in Disneyland, Anaheim. Yup, you guessed it, some six or eight bucks for it. But it is very nice, one can spin the glass on which Tinkerbell is (with the words "Where dreams come true"). If you look carefully, I have the pics here is with "Where dreams come true" + Tinkerbell and the same words in pic one below appears after Tinkerbell.
Where from : Disneyland, Anaheim, USA
Who: Self
When: 2006
Where now: Home
Slippers of Florida

Monday, December 17, 2007
Kong the Hong
Izwan bought this magnet during his trip to Macau in 2006. He went to quite a number of countries that year! I don't have any Macau magnet to show off, unfortunately. But fortunately, Izwan travelled through Hong Kong; thus he got me this one. I have a Las Vegas magnet which is somewhat similar.

I so like to claim we got this during our trip to Hong Kong in 2001; when Tasha was just 6 months old and we celebrated hari raya haji there. But nah, gotta stick with the truth!
Where from : Hong Kong
Who: Izwan
When: 2006
Where now: Home
Slow Loris
This slow loris magnet was purchased somewhere in Kundasang, Sabah; one of the stops we made along the way between Kundasang and Kota Kinabalu. It was a wonderful trip, with my parents in law, Izwan's bro Adif, and my niece and nephew.

Like all lorises, slow lorises are nocturnal and arboreal animals that prefer the tops of the trees. Also, they have slow, deliberate movements and a powerful grasp that makes them very difficult to remove from branches. They live as solitaries or in small family groups, and mark their territory with urine.
Where from: Sabah, Malaysia
When: 2005
Who: Self
Where now: Home
Welcome to Penang
The only map magnets that I have. I should've bought when we went for Pangkot trip recently; coz I saw one of Pangkor Island, and another of Perak state. Of course I brushed it off as they were selling these magnets for a ridiculous RM7.90 or RM8.50. But looking back... I should've! They'd make a nice set.

Where from: Penang, Malaysia
When: 2005
Who: Shahril
Where now: Home
Sarawakian Sape
Zanzarida went to Sarawak and got me this. It's a miniature sape, a sarawak traditional musical instrument. Pronounced as "sa-peh", it is traditionally used by the Kenyahs, Kayans and Kelabit tribes.

Where from: Sarawak, Malaysia
When: 2007
Who: Zanzarida Ibrahim
Where now: Home

Broken Sky

I name it broken sky because of the fact that someone dropped the magnet and now it's chipped. Affected the Singapore sky but not the rest. Izwan bought this during his trip to Singapore where he stayed at the Fullerton (pic below).

Where from: Singapore
When: 2005
Who: Izwan
Where now: Home
Tiger In Me

Friday, December 14, 2007
Sex Sells
Recognize this magnet? This one my friend Onnair got for me during her trip to Amsterdam. I love it. Naughty, sexy. And it doesn't even have to say where it came from. He he.
Where from: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Who: Onnair a.k.a. Wan Sharwani Yaacob
When: 2007
Where now: Home
The name of Amsterdam is a derivative from Amstel Dam, pointing to the city's origin: a dam in the river Amstel. The city is known for its historic port, the Rijksmuseum, the red-light district, the liberal coffeshops and the canals which have led to Amsterdam being termed the "Venice of the North".
Ellie the Elephant
This tiny mommy elephant and her baby came all the way from Phuket.
In year 2002, my firm sent the lawyers and partners to Phuket for team bonding. I remember we had a good time, but also that was the first time I was away from (then) the only child Natasha.
In Phuket, there was one night we stayed up so late, gossipping. We went to town, roaming around. We had good food. Hmmm... we should do it again la.
Where from: Phuket, Thailand.
Who: Self
When : 2002
Where now: Home
Viva Las Vegas

Another Las Vegas magnet from Izwan's 2007 trip to Vegas/LA. Its siblings includes the sexy #15. Izwan bought tow of the same; and I think the other one is now a decor on my mom's fridge at their crib in JB.
Where from: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Who: Izwan
When: 2007
Where now: Home (where the heart is.... especially when there's a meeting scheduled at 9 am).
Jewel from Perak

Steam Ship

One more of the magnets Hisham assisted in expanding my magnet legacy. See magnet #17 for the story.
Whale Up

Fabulous Vegas
Sin City

I have shown a pic of this magnet to some friends and told them it is my favourite. And I am not lying.
Izwan got this for me during his trip earlier this year to Las Vegas. It's abottle opener with a very sexy skimpily dressed Vegas showgirl/stripper (?) .
Where from: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Who: Izwan
When: 2007
Where now: Home. Freezer door.

It's Sin City, allright.
The Sabahan
Paris Framed

Ah, the city of romance. Just as well, this magnet was bought by my darling husband during his official trip in February 2007. Yup, he had official dinner up on a river cruise ship whilst everyone else we having a romantic valentine dinner.
Lovely, just lovely.
Where from: Paris, France
Who: Izwan
When: 2007
Where now: Home
Local Delicacy
Hmmm a local crap. Opps... a local crab.
Got this during our recent trip to Pulau Pangkor. But I bought it in Lumut, near the jetty. It's not cheap, maybe because it was sold at tourists souvenir centres.

I must say, whenever I cook in the kitchen and my son Hafiz decide to also cook something, he usually make fish soup or fry a fish using one magnet Zanzarida gave me; in the form of a fish. But last night, he decided to cook the crab instead. So cute!
Where from: Lumut, Perak, Malaysia
When: 2007
Who: Self
Where now: Home. In Hafiz's seafood soup, perhaps?
Metal Star
A metal hollywood star!
Izwan got this during his recent trip to Los Angeles. Well, his assignment was actually in Las Vegas (click here to read) but of course, he took extra days to spend at his 'kampung' i.e. LA.

When: 2007
Who: Izwan
Where now: Home
Lake Havasu

Another one of my two London Bridge of Lake Havasu City picture magnets. You can read about our trip there last year right here: just click!
Where from: Lake Havasu, Arizona
When: 2006
Who: Self
Where now: Home
London Bridge
Believe it or not, there's London Bridge all over the world! There's one in London; the name often mistaken to refer to Tower bridge. There's another one at Great Ocean Road in Melbourne. And hey, there's even one in Lake Havasu City!

The London Bridge crosses an 8ft (2.4m) deep man-made canal that leads from Lake Havasu on the Colorado River to Thompson Bay. It was bought for US$2.5 million from the City of London (that's in England, just in case you're all confused now) when the bridge was replaced in 1968. The bridge was disassembled, and the marked stones were shipped to Lake Havasu City and reassembled for another US $7 million. It opened in October 1971.
That's your history lesson for today, folks!
Where from: Lake Havasu, Arizona
When: 2006
Who: Self
Where now: Home
The Other Joey

Where from: Sydney, Australia
When: 2004
Who: Self
Where now: Home
...and the three kangaroos hopped all over the place and lived hapily ever after. Until one of them got hit by a car. Ouch!
Hop Joey, Hop
One of the two clay boomerangs that serve as a decor to the fridge at home.

Where from: Down Under
When: your guess is as good as mine
Who: Self
Where now: Home
Dry Heat

Where from : Arizona
When: November 2006
Who: Self
Where now: At Home!
During the bus ride from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, the bus made several stops at rest areas. One particular shops sells quite a bit of fridge magnets and this one cost me USD$3.39. I think I spent more than USD$10 there.
Dreams Come True
Where from: Disneyland, Anaheim, Los Angeles
When: November 2006
Who: Self
Where now: Home

This is easily one of my most favourite!! It's actually a picture frame - you can put a pic behind that clear plastic on which Tinkerbell is 'flying'. It has a 3-D effect. Quite pricey USD$6.00 - coz it's Disneyland original on the racks in the souvenir shops at Disneyland.
Kids had a good time there; and I tell you, one day is not enough. If we were to go again, we'll take the 3 day ticket! Bila tu? Tak tau lagi la. Kalau ada rezeki... insya Allah.
If you wanna read about our trip, you can just click here!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
More Leprechauns!

Who: Izwan
When: November 2006