Nik Yurni went to Stratford-upon-Avon and bought this guy for me:
Don't you think he's familiar? Well, the title to this blog entry is a dead give-away, anyway :-)
Yes, that the genius in the form of William Sheakespeare (1564 - 1616) who wrote a total of 37 plays in his lifetime and his plays are thought to be the finest ever written in any language.William Shakespeare was born at Stratford-upon-Avon in a house in Henley Street. This is preserved intact. His mother, Mary Arden, was one of the daughters of Robert Arden, a yeoman farmer of Wilmcote: his father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and wool dealer of good standing who held the office of Bailiff of the Borough in 1568.
From the age of seven to about 14, he attended Stratford Grammar School receiving an excellent well rounded education.
At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who was seven years his senior and three months pregnant. She was of 'yeoman' stock - her family owned a farm one mile west of Stratford in Shottery.
He endured her until he could stand it no longer and fled to London to become an actor. .
He then became actor-manager and part-owner in the Blackfriars and afterwards the Globe Theatres. He was a first-rate actor, but it is as a writer of plays that he has achieved lasting world-wide fame.

Shakespeare's plays vary in type; historical romances, light, fantastic comedies, some are tragedies, all including the comical and the farcical.
He was a shrewd business man, amassing quite a fortune in his time. He returned to Stratford for his latter years where he died at the age of 52 and now lies at rest in his special grave at Holy Trinity Church.

This magnet is now one of my favourite. As it has dangling feet, I choose to put it at the office but I think I'll be bringing it home one of these days. I think I stare and appreciate them better at home hehe.
Where from: Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, UK
Who: Nik Yurni
When: 2008
Where now: Office
Number: #206
Yeah, I too can't believe I have over 200 of these precious little things!