It was our second trip there, so we more or less know what to do and where to go. But it was the first trip for Hafiz; who seemed to be enjoying it.
So did Tasha:
Where: Sydney, Australia
When: 2004
Who: Self
Where now: Home
Whenever I see a wall termometer like the one attached on the magnet, I often (not everytime, obviously) my younger days. We were staying with my Tok's house in Kg Melayu, Kluang, Johor. They had this wall termometer. I just learned in school that water boils at 100 degrees celcius. I wanted to be sure. Bought a pot of water to boil on the stove, and in goes that termometer. I think it was attached to a wall decorative in the form of a ship. And whoaal-la! The termometer burst so water definitely boils at higher than 40 degrees.
Excellent scientific research.
I think no one realises that the wall decor was no longer in the form it used to be.
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